To show a person in an office setting.

As a change management professional, my daily journey involves charting the uncharted waters of organizational transformation. In recent years, the winds of change have been notably stirred by the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and other revolutionary technologies. In this blog post, we’ll explore the influence of AI in the working space, examining the cultural shift from feeling threatened to embracing these transformative technologies. We’ll also delve into the potential unleashed by groundbreaking technologies such as 3D printing and blockchain, exploring how they reshape the way we work, particularly in the context of hybrid work environments.

Embracing the Cultural Shift

For many organizations, the integration of AI into the workplace has been met with skepticism and fear. Employees often view AI as a threat, concerned that their jobs may be at risk of automation. As a change management professional, my role is to guide organizations through this cultural shift, fostering an environment where employees don’t merely accept AI but embrace it as a tool to enhance their work.

The key to successful integration lies in demystifying AI, educating employees about its capabilities, and emphasizing its role as a collaborator rather than a replacement. Demonstrating how AI can streamline repetitive tasks, allowing humans to focus on more creative and strategic endeavours, helps shift the narrative from one of fear to one of opportunity.

Understanding the potential of your organization comes from truly understanding its Culture. Our unique organizational cultural analysis and mapping tool allows you to understand the current shape of your organization and see where it needs to flex and grow to reach its potential.

Organizations are made up of people and appreciating the dynamics of their roles, responsibilities and purpose helps to unleash its potential.

This tool can be used to not just assess the whole organization, but through breaking it down into a team, group, division and/or other levels, find opportunities to lean on your internal dynamics while building strategies that are focused on key areas for improvement and create learning journeys to achieve them.

Reviewing the culture and its impact lend itself to our cultural shape analysis:

Digital evolution of humans

The Potential of Revolutionary Technology

Beyond AI, revolutionary technologies like 3D printing and blockchain are reshaping industries and challenging traditional ways of working. 3D printing, for example, enables rapid prototyping and customized manufacturing, transforming the production landscape. Blockchain, with its decentralized and secure nature, has the potential to revolutionize supply chain management, ensuring transparency and traceability.

Change management in the context of these technologies involves not just integrating them into existing workflows but reimagining entire processes. It’s about helping employees understand the transformative power of these tools and guiding them through the necessary adjustments. Embracing these technologies opens up new possibilities, fostering innovation and adaptability within the organization.

The Evolution of the Work Environment

The rise of AI and revolutionary technologies has also catalyzed a shift in the way we conceptualize and organize our workspaces. The era of the traditional office is giving way to a more flexible and adaptive model—the hybrid work environment. This paradigm accommodates remote work, flexible schedules, and collaborative digital tools, blending the best of both physical and virtual workspaces.

As a change management professional, I recognize the importance of guiding organizations through this evolution. The hybrid work environment demands not only a technological infrastructure that supports remote collaboration but also a cultural shift that values outcomes over hours spent at a desk. Embracing this change requires effective communication, transparent policies, and a commitment to fostering a sense of connection and belonging among employees, regardless of their physical location.

Before you can build out your strategy for dealing with uncertain times, you have to understand where your organization holds strength and may experience vulnerabilities.

The VucaCanvas® is a tool that provides a visualization of these strengths through game-based facilitation, making meaningful connections. The core of the review is to assess capacities across the organization to navigate VUCA situations when they arise.

Preview more here:

AI Robot using a work computer

Fad or Fundamental Shift?

Some skeptics have dismissed the wave of change driven by AI and new technologies as a mere fad, comparing it to the brief enthusiasm for a return to the office, as seen in Zoom’s initial push for in-person collaboration. However, the transformative impact of AI and revolutionary technologies goes beyond temporary trends.

These technologies have proven their ability to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and open up new avenues for innovation. The key lies in recognizing that the changes brought about by AI and new tech are not fleeting fads but fundamental shifts that demand a strategic and sustained approach to change management.


Article: Even Zoom is calling its workers back to the office — at least 2 days a week – Source: CBC News


Nurturing a Proactive Approach

To navigate these uncharted waters successfully, organizations must adopt a proactive approach to change management. This involves continuous learning and adaptation, anticipating the evolving needs of the workforce and industry. Embracing AI and revolutionary technologies is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of evolution.

As a change management professional, I encourage organizations to establish a culture of continuous learning, empowering employees to upskill and reskill as technologies evolve. This proactive approach ensures that the workforce remains agile and adaptable, ready to harness the full potential of AI and other transformative technologies.

Robot and Human Fits Bumping


In conclusion, the influence of AI in the working space extends far beyond mere automation—it’s a catalyst for cultural change, a driver of innovation, and a force reshaping the very nature of work. Embracing this shift requires change management professionals to guide organizations through a journey of education, adaptation, and continuous learning.

Revolutionary technologies like 3D printing and blockchain add further layers to this transformation, challenging traditional norms and opening up new possibilities. The hybrid work environment, far from a passing fad, represents a fundamental shift in the way we approach work, demanding a holistic and strategic approach to change management.

As we navigate the seas of change, we must recognize that the influence of AI and new tech is not a fleeting trend but a transformative force shaping the future of work. By embracing this evolution with an open mind, proactive strategies, and a commitment to continuous learning, organizations can not only weather the storm but chart a course to thrive in the digital age.


To browse more information or to book a meeting, please visit:


Want to know a secret?

Change doesn’t need to be as challenging as it seems. We make it a lot harder by letting the “Double Whammy” get in the way.

Let’s begin with a story

Last week I was deeply involved in one of my guilty pleasures: a British serial that follows the everyday lives of the hardworking men and women living in Manchester. I greatly respect the writers who, over the years, have created storylines about things we “just don’t talk about” in polite society. They’ve always treated challenging topics realistically, sensibly, and sensitively. However, that day I found myself yelling “AW, COME ON!! SERIOUSLY?!” at the screen in disbelief.


Picture this: a stoic, middle-aged man, Dev, enters the local pub. His neighbours ask him about a recent positive change in his life. He is noticeably distressed by their questions and joins his friend Tim in a booth. Tim asks Dev about the happy change too.  Mystifyingly, Dev is overcome and begins weeping. Startled, Tim leans back in disgust. He gets up, moves to the bar, and shares with another man that Dev is “very emotional”. They both turn to look at Dev, who is quite distraught, turn back to each other in horror, pause, and then promptly change the subject to something else,  football I think. Dev is left alone, in distress, to process the change, while the other pub patrons avoid him like the plague.


C’mon! In 2024, are we really still perpetuating the myth that boys don’t cry?

Enter the Double Whammy

Many changes cause stress. The Double Whammy is the extra layer of stress we add to the experience because of the stigma related to strong emotions and other normal responses to change.


I haven’t watched since that night so I still have no idea why Dev was so upset about a change that I thought was pretty positive too. The fact is, it doesn’t matter why he was upset. The pertinent information is that he was upset.  His strong emotional reaction made his friends uncomfortable so they negatively judged his response, and isolated him. Poor Dev!


Dealing with new processes, relationships, environments, and situations is hard enough.  Wouldn’t it be easier if we were free to navigate challenging changes without having to stress about whether our response to it is socially acceptable? Our “stiff upper lip” society and toxically positive culture have made change so much more challenging by stigmatizing normal emotional and physiological responses. This creates a massive barrier to transitioning quickly, healthily, and effectively.

5 Tips for Avoiding the Double Whammy:

1. Know what your brain does on change

Your brain LOVES predictability but change always begins with an ending of the previous state. That causes a loss of predictability. When that happens your brain triggers the threat response and sends you very clear and very uncomfortable signals that you might be in danger. Sadness, fear, anxiousness, feeling overwhelmed, and frustration, etc, are all examples of these signals.

2. Know that it’s not you, it’s your brain doing its job

Your brain evolved to keep you safe, alive, and part of a social group. When change triggers a threat response (and not every change will), you may consciously know that there’s no saber-tooth tiger behind that tree, but your brain doesn’t know that. It’s a piece of equipment, just like your bladder or stomach. You learned their signals very early on and know exactly what to do when your bladder tells you it needs something. When predictability is lost, your brain will also let you know with crystal-clear signals that you might be in danger. A triggered threat response doesn’t mean a person is weak, unstable, or dramatic. It does mean that their brain is doing a good job at keeping its owner safe.

3. Don’t suppress or ignore your brain’s signals

Threat response signals are uncomfortable on purpose. They’re designed to get your attention. They’re also 100% NORMAL.  Sadness, fear, anxiousness, feeling overwhelmed and frustration, etc, are all normal signals that your brain has detected a loss of predictability. Ignoring these signals could compromise your health, well-being, and relationships. Notice when your brain is trying to get your attention. Learn to name what you’re feeling and the purpose of the emotion. If you’re on the receiving end, like Dev’s friend Tim, know that strong emotions are normal after change and get comfortable with them. Normalizing strong emotions helps destigmatize them.

4. Have the courage to go rogue

Beliefs about how we “should” behave after change go directly against our nature as human animals. Gender socialization, toxic positivity, culture, and values around our roles and responsibilities all try to tell us to ignore our emotions and behave as if nothing is bothering us.  It takes courage to say, “hey, I know this change is  a positive one overall, but I still feel a sense of loss (or sadness or anger etc.).”  Take a risk, push back on your socialization and choose to support your overall health and well-being instead.

5. Know your Change Fingerprint©

1000 people could go through the same change and each brain will respond differently. You could say that everyone has a unique Change Fingerprint©. Discovering yours, and knowing that everyone else has one too, goes a long way in combatting the Double Whammy.  Furthermore, organizations that have introduced the Change Fingerprint Framework© discovered that the process increased trust, psychological safety, employee engagement and change resilience. As a result, change implementations became easier, less stressful, and less costly.

Poor Dev. I wonder why he was so upset about his very amicable partner being released from prison? I wonder if the writers did eventually go rogue? Did Dev’s friends eventually act against their gender socialization to support him, instead of being awkward around his tears? I guess I’ll have to tune in again soon to find out.

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of business, the terms “management” and “leadership” are often used interchangeably. However, the two concepts hold distinct meanings and roles within an organization. While both are essential for an organization’s success, understanding the differences between management and leadership, particularly in terms of values, can pave the way for building a thriving and sustainable company culture. In this blog, we will explore the disparities between management and leadership concerning their core values and how they shape the dynamics of an organization.


Focus on Efficiency vs. Focus on Inspiration:

At its core, management primarily revolves around efficiency, processes, and meeting organizational goals. Managers focus on planning, organizing, and controlling resources to ensure that tasks are executed effectively and on time. They often emphasize optimizing existing systems and structures.

Leadership, on the other hand, centres on inspiring and motivating individuals to reach their full potential. Leaders are visionaries who can articulate a compelling future and inspire others to work toward it. Their primary focus lies in nurturing talent, fostering innovation, and encouraging personal growth.

Transactional vs. Transformational:

Management is often associated with transactional behaviour. Managers maintain the status quo by enforcing rules, offering rewards, and providing punishments. Their approach tends to be more task-oriented, and they thrive in an environment where order and predictability are crucial.

Leadership, however, leans towards transformational behaviour. Leaders seek to challenge the status quo and drive change by influencing their teams through vision, charisma, and emotional intelligence. They build strong relationships with their followers, empowering them to think creatively and embrace new challenges.


Short-Term Goals vs. Long-Term Vision:

Managers typically set and pursue short-term objectives. They are responsible for breaking down large goals into manageable tasks, ensuring that deadlines are met, and budgets are adhered to. Managers aim to maintain stability and execute strategies that lead to immediate outcomes.

Leaders, on the other hand, are more future-oriented. They look beyond the immediate horizon and craft a long-term vision for the organization. Leaders inspire their teams to see the bigger picture and work collaboratively towards achieving that vision. Their decisions often involve calculated risks and a willingness to adapt to emerging trends.

Compliance vs. Empowerment:

Management often relies on compliance from employees. They enforce policies, monitor performance, and ensure that individuals follow the established protocols. Managers play a vital role in maintaining order and ensuring that employees adhere to company standards.

Leaders, in contrast, empower their teams. They trust their employees’ abilities, delegate authority, and encourage autonomy. Leaders foster an environment of trust and open communication, where team members feel valued and are given the freedom to explore new ideas and take ownership of their work.


Task-Oriented vs. People-Centric:

In a management-driven environment, tasks and projects take precedence. Managers focus on the efficient allocation of resources, meeting deadlines, and achieving objectives. They prioritize productivity and process improvement.

Leaders, conversely, prioritize their people. They understand that a motivated and engaged team will be more productive and innovative. Leaders invest time in building strong relationships with their team members, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, and providing mentorship and support to foster growth.

In conclusion, while management and leadership are both integral to the success of an organization, they differ significantly in their values and approaches. Management centres on efficiency, short-term goals, and task-oriented behaviour, while leadership emphasizes inspiration, long-term vision, and people-centric approaches. The key to a flourishing organization lies in recognizing the distinct values of management and leadership and striking a balance between the two. By combining the strengths of both practices, organizations can create a cohesive, high-performing culture that embraces innovation, empowers employees, and drives sustainable success.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful hybrid workplace. To ensure a smooth transition, organisations must establish clear and reliable communication channels that facilitate seamless collaboration and information sharing among team members. Utilise a combination of tools such as email, instant messaging platforms, video conferencing, and project management software to keep everyone connected, regardless of their location. Regularly scheduled team meetings and check-ins can foster a sense of camaraderie and provide a platform for addressing any challenges or concerns that arise.

Embrace The Digital Age

Technology plays a crucial role in the hybrid work environment. Invest in robust digital tools and platforms that enable remote collaboration, project management, and knowledge sharing. Cloud-based solutions, file-sharing systems, and task management applications can streamline workflows, improve productivity, and ensure that everyone has access to the necessary resources and information. Encourage employees to leverage these tools effectively and provide training and support as needed to maximise their potential.

Prioritise Work-Life Balance and Well-being

One of the primary benefits of a hybrid workplace is We need to encourage employees to set boundaries and establish routines that promote well-being and prevent burnout. Flexibility in working hours allows individuals to accommodate personal commitments, optimise their productivity during their most productive times, and take breaks when needed. Managers should lead by example, promoting a healthy work-life balance and encouraging employees to prioritise self-care and downtime.

Foster a Culture of Trust and Collaboration

Building a culture of trust and collaboration is essential for a successful hybrid workplace. Establish clear expectations and performance goals, emphasising outcomes rather than physical presence. Trust employees to manage their time and deliver results independently. Encourage collaboration and foster a sense of belonging through virtual team-building activities, cross-functional projects, and mentorship programs. Regularly recognize and celebrate achievements to maintain morale and motivate employees.

Provide Ongoing Support and Professional Development

Adapting to a hybrid workplace may require employees to acquire new skills and adapt to different ways of working. To support their growth and development, organisations should invest in ongoing training programs and provide resources for self-directed learning. Virtual workshops, webinars, and online courses can also help employees enhance their digital skills, remote collaboration abilities, and adaptability. Encourage employees to set personal development goals and provide opportunities for mentorship and coaching to nurture their professional growth.


The hybrid workplace presents a unique opportunity for organisations to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing world. By implementing the strategies discussed in this blog, organisations can establish a solid foundation for success in the hybrid work environment.

Clear communication channels are vital for seamless collaboration and information sharing among team members. Utilising a combination of tools such as email, instant messaging platforms, video conferencing, and project management software can keep everyone connected, regardless of their location. Regularly scheduled team meetings and check-ins foster a sense of camaraderie and provide a platform for addressing challenges and concerns.

Embracing the digital age is essential for productivity and efficiency in a hybrid workplace. Investing in robust digital tools and platforms enables remote collaboration, project management, and knowledge sharing. Cloud-based solutions, file-sharing systems, and task management applications streamline workflows and ensure that everyone has access to necessary resources. Providing training and support for these tools maximises their potential.

Prioritising work-life balance and well-being is a key advantage of the hybrid workplace. Encouraging employees to set boundaries, establish routines, and take breaks when needed promotes their well-being and prevents burnout. Managers should lead by example and prioritise self-care and downtime, fostering a healthy work-life balance.

Building a culture of trust and collaboration is crucial for success in a hybrid workplace. Clear expectations and performance goals should emphasise outcomes rather than physical presence. Trusting employees to manage their time and deliver results independently empowers them. Virtual team-building activities, cross-functional projects, and mentorship programs foster collaboration and a sense of belonging. Regularly recognizing and celebrating achievements maintains morale and motivates employees.

Providing ongoing support and professional development is essential for employees to adapt to the hybrid workplace. Organisations should invest in training programs and resources for self-directed learning. Virtual workshops, webinars, and online courses can enhance employees’ digital skills, remote collaboration abilities, and adaptability. Encouraging personal development goals and providing mentorship and coaching opportunities nurtures professional growth.

By embracing the hybrid workplace and implementing these strategies, organisations can navigate the transition successfully. This new way of working enhances productivity, employee satisfaction, and positions organisations to thrive. With careful planning, open communication, and a commitment to continuous improvement, organisations and their employees can create a flexible and successful future of work. 

As the world of work continues to evolve, organisations must adapt to the changing dynamics and embrace the hybrid workplace model.

In recent years, the traditional 9-to-5 office setup has undergone a significant transformation. The rise of technology and changing work dynamics have given birth to the concept of hybrid work—a flexible arrangement that combines remote work and office-based work. This new approach has gained traction in various industries and is increasingly being recognized as a game-changer for both employers and employees. Today we will explore the benefits of a hybrid workplace and how it can offer the perfect balance for the modern workforce.

Increased Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

One of the most significant advantages of a hybrid work place is the increased flexibility it provides. Employees have the freedom to work from home or any other location of their choice for a portion of their work week. This flexibility allows individuals to better manage their personal responsibilities, reduce commuting time, and achieve a healthier work-life balance. Employees can attend to personal appointments, spend more time with family, and engage in activities that promote their overall well-being without sacrificing their professional commitments.

Enhanced Productivity and Employee Satisfaction

Studies from Owl Labs and Ergotron have shown that remote work can boost productivity levels for certain tasks and produce happier and more long term employees. Hybrid work allows employees to focus on deep, concentrated work in a quieter environment, free from office distractions. Moreover, the ability to work during their most productive hours (whether it’s early morning or later in the day) enables individuals to optimize their performance. As a result, employees often experience higher job satisfaction, leading to increased engagement, motivation, and overall happiness in their roles.

Expanded Talent Pool and Improved Retention

With a hybrid work place, geographical constraints no longer limit talent acquisition. Employers can tap into a larger talent pool by recruiting individuals from more locations than they did before. This increased access to diverse talent opens doors to fresh perspectives and a wider range of skills, ultimately fostering innovation within the organization. Furthermore, offering hybrid work options can significantly improve employee retention rates, as individuals are more likely to stay with companies that provide flexible work arrangements that cater to their needs and preferences.

Cost Savings for Employers and Employees

Implementing a hybrid work model can result in substantial cost savings for both employers and employees. For organizations, reduced office space requirements mean lower overhead expenses such as rent, utilities, and maintenance. Employers can allocate these savings towards investments in employee training, development, and other growth initiatives. On the other hand, employees can save money on commuting expenses, work attire, and daily meals, leading to improved financial well-being and increased job satisfaction.

Environmental Sustainability

Embracing a hybrid work place can have a positive impact on the environment. By reducing the number of employees commuting to the office every day, organizations can contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and alleviate traffic congestion. Additionally, fewer people in the office means less energy consumption, lower paper usage, and decreased waste generation. This commitment to sustainability aligns with the values of many employees and can enhance the organization’s brand image. 

The hybrid work place offers a win-win situation for both employers and employees. By providing increased flexibility, enhancing productivity, expanding talent pools, reducing costs, and promoting environmental sustainability, this work model has become a powerful tool for organizations to adapt to changing times and remain competitive. However, adapting to this new way of working requires careful planning, effective communication, and a commitment to creating a cohesive work environment. As we navigate the ever-changing landscape of work, the hybrid workplace emerges as a change worth making. With its numerous benefits such as increased flexibility, improved work-life balance, enhanced productivity, expanded talent pool, cost savings, and environmental sustainability, it offers a promising solution for both employers and employees. Embracing this new work model requires open-mindedness, effective communication, and a willingness to adapt to new ways of collaborating and connecting. By embracing the hybrid workplace, organizations can create a harmonious balance that caters to the evolving needs and preferences of their workforce while fostering a culture of innovation, engagement, and success. So, let us welcome this change and embrace the opportunities it brings, as we build a future where work is not bound by traditional constraints, but rather evolves to support the diverse and dynamic needs of the modern workforce.

This November saw the return of the fifth annual Toronto Change Days. I was excited to see 2022 celebrated with a to an in-person event, yet still reflect the virtual connectivity across many elements. Exploring “The Power of Play” as this year’s theme brought many diverse discussions and of course we had amazing workshops and a very energized keynote!

Toronto Change Days is a really energizing opportunity for all involved. It feels like a real community coming together yet each time we meet, over half of the attendees are new to the experience. It is unusual to have that sort of vibe and yet, we always attract folks that just get the nature of the event, focused on learning but guided experience and totally facilitated versus instructional or typical corporate conference style.

We had some great virtual interactions going either side of the in-person weekend. I was really pleased to see conversations around playfulness in these virtual conversation and people interacting with elements to influence the whole event and reflect back upon the live weekend.

With a theme that includes play – no surprises we included Lego in the experience and even some workshops that employed Lego Serious Play practices. In fact, we even had a facilitated “Playzone” room that allowed people to experiment and learn about card games and toys that can be used in supporting change events. It was a slow start for people attending this room – probably not wanting to miss out on the amazing workshops but  by the end of the weekend we had over 12 folks discovering the power of integrating playfulness within their change events.

I want to give a huge shout our to Leonard Nacke who provided the keynote. He gave one of the most energetic and enthusiastic performances for a key speaker, I’ve had the privilege to experience. He actually did a cartwheel, got chased around the room and let someone else take over the presentation – all in the name of playful gaming and understanding the benefits of such things being included in organizational development.

I could turn this post into a raft of superlatives, it felt just so good to be back at the amazing Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre doing the think that we all love and connecting at a level that is phenomenal. We didn’t get so much of our international supporters this year, but I look forward to welcoming them back next year.

If you are interested in joining us for Toronto Change Days 2023 you can grab an extremely Earlybird ticket now at

“Happy Birthday to me!” Yup! Its that time of year once again. As usual I choose this as a moment to reflect on the year that has been and the year yet to come. However, there was a tinge of frustration as this year was another birthday within the confines of Covid induced lockdown measures. I am not going wallow, as even though it wasn’t the celebration I would have liked, it was still a pleasant day.

My thoughts navigated across my pandemic experience. I’ve seen emotions in myself that lifted me and also disappointed me. I have seen others demonstrate almost caricatured alter egos as they wrestle with the bubble to the surface of their inner turmoil. Yet, for all of this I recognize the opportunities that the situation has presented me with and likewise seen others seize.

I’ve always been a learning sponge, and if you’ve read my last blog post, you will know that I’ve been exploring the important of emotions for organizational and individual benefits through the Emotional Culture Deck (ECD). I’m discovering knew and progressive ways to use it and over the past month or so I’ve undertaken several sessions with individuals using the ECD as I rekindle my love affair with its potential.

I undertook a leadership focused emotional exploration with a colleague, viewing the relatively recent leadership position they had taken on. One interesting insight for me came when we recognized that there are multiple layers of leadership engagement present. Leaders in organizations do not lead the same way for everyone and different lenses can reflect differently. Here we discovered disparity between immediate team and broader organization, and it prompted a deeper dive to discover the differences for both audiences’ expectations and emotional engagement. The key discovery of our conversation was to recognize the role of leader of the leadership team needs a nuance of approach compared to the broader group.

I’ve also introduced the ECD tor some individuals who are not leaders, but individual contributors and solopreneurs who kind of lead themselves and are led by others. Without sharing too much personal information, one individual had been on something of a rollercoaster ride of emotional challenges. Fortunately, the activity did not prompt too many dark memories, confusions, or general frustrations. However, the individual recognized how many emotions they choose to ignore, box away and generally avoid coming to the surface and this exercise made them and the moment of light was recognizing the power of owning these emotions was greater than the power of hiding from them.

I’m thrilled these situations brought opportunities of discovery for the individuals, but it also prompted me to do the same. I have been fascinated in the way we work together in a virtual environment yet still carry forward our values, beliefs, and general mindset. Patterns of thought that have been built up over many years outside of a virtual environment easily framing the virtual interactions. It has always been important to me that people find value from interactions that can release their potential. All the above interactions took place remotely, yet I successfully created space for them to discover their opportunities. Eighteen months ago, I would never have considered undertaking an activity like the ECD within a virtual environment. The lack of choice has forced us to adapt and evolve but also be true to ourselves in delivering our desired outcomes of facilitation.

The pandemic has forced us to consider things in new and different ways, whether it’s a birthday celebration, coaching session or client discovery meeting. This in turn has presented opportunities to explore new and different ways. Connecting this to your emotional response mechanism can be a very fruitful activity, to learn and discover yet more opportunities that would otherwise have gone by without exploration.

I leave you with some challenge points to ponder.

  • What have you done anew this past year to realize your potential?
  • What opportunities have you embraced during the pandemic?
  • Has this year heightened your emotions, or challenged you to discover them?
  • Are you a better person today then you were 12 months ago?

Here are a few ways you can learn more about The Emotional Culture Deck:

  • Visit
  • Download a free Lo-fi PDF version of the deck at the website, click here
  • Complete The Emotional Culture Deck Online Masterclass course like I did here
  • If you still have questions, feel free to contact me here for a chat

#emotionalculturedeck #proelephantrider #ridersandelephants #emotionalculture

I recently shared my thoughts on the change space, via video, with the audience at – a Swedish change management conference held earlier in February. You can see my video here:  but the big question that came from it was whether you do hard or soft change management? I have to thank a conversation at a Spark Conference with Luc Galoppin a few years back for making the challenge of hard and soft change approaches drill into my subconscious as I consider the future of the space. Do you need a digital scale? The professionals from scaleszen are ready to give you best advises to find the best scale.

Now I’ve never been afraid to challenge the term change management as counterproductive to the purpose of the activity. It really is a sucky term, but it’s probably the most familiar term we have. Now in 2020 and beyond, I think it will stay around and continue to be challenged by terms like change leadership – because the behaviours of successful change management are found in leadership behaviours. We also have the continued stand off with project management, use of the terms change communications, change delivery, transformation and implementation coming into the mix and still forcing confusion. My sense is that there will be a divergence of approach into those that do tactical, operation change management activity and those that develop change strategy, advisory approaches and facilitate interventions. I think at the core of this is that as now, we will continue to have technology-based change and non-technology-based change.

Technology changes, whether by traditional or agile approaches in project management, will be very operational and tactically delivered and I feel the change management will align. This worries me a little because of all the tall of implementing digital transformation. Too many times I am seeing this used as a framing of “big tech roll-out” or “lots of new apps” or some other term that relates to organizations throwing a lot of technology out there. We have to realise that digital transformation is a cultural journey for people to embrace, adopt and adapt to new technologies and the tools they bring – not just the deliver of such tools. If you are looking for the latest coupons and offers available online, in Coupons Collector you can find a wide range of coupons that you can uses to buy what you need.

I’m writing this as we are now into a deep and unnerving time brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. With many people in quarantine and everyone recommended to practice physical distancing and stay at home, we have entered a period of disruptive change unlike any other. I saw the graphic below posted across LinkedIn and someone should be credited for it, hats off to the recognition. However, forced use of technology is not the same as a digital transformation. I’ve been supporting several organizations who employ people using virtual workspaces for the very first time. What we are seeing is the digital equivalent of learning to swim by being thrown in the deep end of the pool. Its sink or swim time! Get with the tech or go back to sleep! The way we work is going to fundamentally change going forward but lets remember we need physical interaction and we are not going to be plugged into the matrix for ever more. I do see us embracing these digital opportunities and blending them with traditional and progress techniques. I’m loving the exploration of opportunities but I’m also self checking to remember the majority are not at the front of the adoption curve like myself. I am still having conversations with people who are getting excited over seeing people in other places and being able to talk with them through the magic of the interwebs!

So what else can the future hold? I honestly don’t know if I dare predict given the current state of the world. For me, I am moving workshops I thought could never be delivered online, into an online space. I’m challenging coaching clients to meet virtually and recognize their own limitations in success and most of all, just reminding people that change is always changing – so we better get used to it.

As part of my commitment to support others through this challenging time. See opportunities for free learning here:

For some time, I’ve been having this conversation that an agile organization, is an organization that is much more resilient and ready for change. Although I’ve had my Agile journey’s of discovery, I must admit that I’m surprised that, so few people get this. Being agile is about a mindset. Its about culture. Its about people. Its about having the presence of mind and personal self awareness to flex, bend, move and work with a change and not try and snap.

When we consider determining how ready an organization is for change that’s coming, we often think of readiness for a planned change and revert to out tried and tested process. We get “that template” printed off and start ticking boxes and assessing change readiness with some magic formula that then presents us with the planned activities we need by some systematic gap analysis. Its all very dry and functional in approach but it’s the best we must work with. At the start of any change event, we have to assess change readiness. But what if we didn’t?

How about an organization that never needs more than a confirmation of change readiness? An assessment that is nothing more than a short conversation? And no need to create a change readiness plan of action. It may sound far fetched but its not. When you build agility into the workplace culture, you build readiness into the DNA. Now there may be a little work to confirm specific details of each change, but Agile organizations flex to accommodate the changing needs and the people who work in them are up for the challenge, with higher levels of resilience and capacity.

Are we being agile?

Now what about unexpected change, you know the disruptive kind of change? Yes, the changes we face living in a VUCA world! Building organizational agility supports the successful negotiation of these types of changes too. In fact, being agile, supports the resilient mind that doesn’t panic when the unexpected arrives, but stays calm and carries on when it is presented to them.

Now becoming an agile organization requires dedication and hard work as that is a change in of itself.  However, the hard work pays off time and time again on all future change initiatives. So my challenge to you is to find a way to develop your organization’s agility and make all those future changes less painful.

This article is part of the 2019 #ChangeBlogChallenge on the topic of Change Readiness in Quarter 3. Click here to see what other change thinkers say about this topic.